Yes, it is true! Michael turned 9 months on May 27th. We took him to visit his favorite lady... Dr. Stephanie Harrell! He is so sweet on her and does so incredibly well at all his visits as he is there quite often due to monthly sickness via daycare. He weighed in at 22 lbs and 12 oz. I won Starbucks from Daddy as Mike called 23 lbs or higher:) Mommy's know best right? :) He was also 27 1/2 inches long. He has thinned out as he is now 75% percentile for weight (rather than 95th) and 50% for height. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that he inherited my height ;)
*He eats everything! Favorites include sweet potatoes, apples/chicken, kiwi/apples/mango, mixed veggies as well as blueberries/apples. Oh and of course his newest fav is cinnamon/raisin/granola! He also enjoys his sweet potato puffs! He learned how to chew them even before he had teeth :) Up until his appointment this week, he was eating 2 meals a day with 5 to 6 bottles. We have now switched to 3 meals a day with 4 bottles.
*He says "dada," "dad," "rara," and "baba." Unfortunately, no "mama" yet, although he is sooooo close. He does have a connection to the word and will smile when its said.
*He finally got his first tooth the day before his 9 month check up. His second tooth actually popped through the day after his doctor visit. No pictures of the tooth yet though :(
*We lowered his bed and he no longer sleeps with a bumper. Poor guy had gotten his chubby legs stuck in between the bars a few times.
*He loves to be read too! Esp books with big pictures:)

*Bath time is a favorite, whether it is in his tub, our tub or the sink! We can't wait to get him in the ocean in a few weeks!
*He doesn't quite crawl but he will scoot or roll to wherever he needs to be:) Mike's niece never crawled but went from rolling to walking. The doctor wasn't concerned either. Michael stands up so well, holding himself up as he has some strong little yet chunky legs!
*Favorite toys include: Musical Safari and Musical Table as well as his Press and Go Animal Parade. He also enjoys big people toys which include our cell phones, TV remotes and the camera :)
*He has had several play dates! He spends quite a bit of time with Brooklyn as they attend the same daycare but have now been shopping together, had a lunch at Panera as well as a trip to Barnes and Noble. Ellie has also come over the play and another play date is in the works!
(Michael and Ellie in late April)
*The word love is an understatement when I say Michael LOVES to dance. It's all day, everyday! This is his most recent dance video :)
We have so many wonderful events to look forward to this summer! Michael will get to spend an entire week with Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Matt, Aunt Mandi and cousins Kaitlynn and Owen on Crescent Beach/St. Augustine! Michael also gets to attend Andrea and Ben's Wedding in June down in Sarasota. And of course a fun filled weekend in Vero Beach with Auntie Amanda and Uncle Adam :) The best part of the summer for our lil man... he will be home with daddy for 7 weeks!!! Yay! This also means we will have tons of material for the blog :) We love and miss you all!