It is so hard to believe that Baby M is one-month old today. It has truly been an amazing time. Kim and I can't believe that there ever was a time when we believed that our lives would have been okay without the blessing of a child.
The little dude has developed quite the personality! He smiles from time to time, more so in the last few days, and loves to chill and look around. We know that we are fortunate as he just doesn't fuss or cry very often. He has some new sounds that he has been trying out the last couple of days. In addition to his grunting, he has started making, what can be best described as, a kitty-cat sound. No real cooing yet.
Michael's favorite Mommy time is mid-afternoon, relaxing and watching Baby Story. This usually is after some tummy time and play time. Bath time is also one of his favorites!
As for Daddy time, there is nothing better than eating breakfast and watching Sportscenter every morning at 6:00...

We are venturing out a little more often, not too much as he hasn't had all of his shots yet. We usually head out to Target, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, etc... Baby M had his first BBQ last weekend. We all went over to Gary, Amy, and Baby Ellie's house for a "meet the baby" BBQ. Ellie is about a month older than Michael. Ellie and Michael must not have been as excited as their parents, as they slept through most of the festivities, waking up only to eat and go back to sleep. I know Mommy and I sure enjoyed getting out and Kim especially enjoyed finally having a couple glasses of wine.
Yesterday, Mommy and Baby M came up to West Port to visit. The ladies have been wanting to meet the little man and, of course, my volleyball girls have too!
We love and miss you all! Thank you for the many gifts and cards! As we continue to settle into our routine, we will begin to answer all of the cards and well-wishes.
Love, Mike, Kim, and Baby M!!!
As for Daddy time, there is nothing better than eating breakfast and watching Sportscenter every morning at 6:00...
We are venturing out a little more often, not too much as he hasn't had all of his shots yet. We usually head out to Target, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, etc... Baby M had his first BBQ last weekend. We all went over to Gary, Amy, and Baby Ellie's house for a "meet the baby" BBQ. Ellie is about a month older than Michael. Ellie and Michael must not have been as excited as their parents, as they slept through most of the festivities, waking up only to eat and go back to sleep. I know Mommy and I sure enjoyed getting out and Kim especially enjoyed finally having a couple glasses of wine.
Yesterday, Mommy and Baby M came up to West Port to visit. The ladies have been wanting to meet the little man and, of course, my volleyball girls have too!
Love, Mike, Kim, and Baby M!!!
Oh so big! Congrats guys...he is so cute! Love you all...
Yay for another post! He is getting big and I want to squeeze him! He is too sweet! Glad things are going great! Kiss and hug him for us!
Love to be able to see the pictures of the baby. They grow up fast so enjoy every moment you get with him.
love to you all
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