Saturday, June 6, 2009

True love

Michael and Brooklyn met back in November of 2008! He was 9 weeks old and she was 8 months old. It was true love at first sight as Brooklyn made her way to Michael's crib with a stuffed lamb. She gave him the toy to comfort him as he was crying. Over the months, they became even closer! Now that Brooklyn is in the 1's room, she still comes back to visit Michael in the infant room as Amy (Brooklyn's mom) works in both rooms. They will hold hands, give each other kisses and when they see each other, their faces just light up! They have been on several play dates outside of daycare, from shopping at Old Navy to lunch to Barnes and Noble. Oh and Starbucks! Here are some pictures from their play date this weekend at B&N.

Michael wanted his stroller back :)

Brooklyn pushed Michael all over B&N

Leaning in for a KISS!

Brooklyn gave Michael a big smooch!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! SO sweet! Little Mack!

B.E.A.L. said...

that is so cute!