Our little Rasdall family decided last summer that we needed a family vacation! We chose to rent a house on Crescent Beach, just a few miles south of St. Augustine. So off to St. Augustine we go! We checked in at 2 on July 4th, went to the house, unpacked, completed our Walmart run and then relaxed the remainder of the evening. We couldn't have asked for a better start to our vacation!
On Sunday, everyone spent some time at the beach. Mike, myself, Matt and Mandi decided to head into St. Augustine for the later part of the afternoon, enjoy some shopping and mojito's at Columbia Restaurant. The little man joined us as Mamaw, Papaw and the kids wanted to soak up more sun!
So before we left, I checked Michael's temp as he had been running low grade fevers (which we thought were due to teething). Michael also had a bite (or what we thought was a bite) on his arm that had gotten fairly infected (so we thought again). We were keeping an eye on it and had decided that if it worsened, we would take him to an urgent care on the 6th. Little man seemed to be feeling ok so we headed out. We got into town, stopped for a drink, walked around town and hit up some shops. As we decided to take our family picture (seen above), I noticed Michael is really warm... like really hot to the touch. We start to get really worried and give him more Tylenol, thinking this would help. Within an hour, he is still CRAZY hot! We get him home and took his temp... 103.7 and 103.9!!! Are you serious???? We immediately pack what we thought we would need for the evening and rush to the nearest ER.

Get to the ER... temp is now 104.3!! I'm thinking he is going to have seizure! They give him meds and antibiotics. The doctors look at the little guys arm and my waist and tell us we have MRSA. Of course, I'm crying and thinking I'm going to die. Poor Mike... he was AMAZING. He calmed me down, called my parents with updates and most of all, took such wonderful care of our little man who seemed so confused with everything going on. Michael was pretty critical so they ambulanced us to Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville where Michael would be admitted, placed on 36 hours of antibiotics and have his huge sore lanced.

While he was being taken care of, I not so happily made my way to the adult side of the hospital and got myself treated. I finished around 4:30 am, headed to Michael's room where the little man and Daddy were just settling down. We were all up until 6 am. Great start to the vacation, right?! Anyways, I won't bore you with more details. Basically, Michael was fantastic through it all! We were finally released on Tuesday night and made our way back to the beach house.
The rest of the vacation was a blast. Lots of time to spend at the beach. Unfortunately due to Michael and I having sores lanced, we weren't able to venture out until the last day of vacation but we enjoyed our little time at the beach. Mamaw, Papaw, Kaitlynn, Owen, Matt and Mandi were beach bums!!! They loved every minute! Daddy got to spend quite a bit of time outside too, using his little boogie board! Daddy also introduced the little man to the sand and salt water!
The entire family made trip into St. Augustine on Wednesday night. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Harry's and desert at Kilwins.
One of the highlights of the trip was getting to watch Michael interact with his cousins Kaitlynn and Owen. It is an understatement when I say he loved being around them. He was just constant smiles around those two, crawled and climbed all over them and both Kaitlynn and Owen were amazing with the little man!
We had such a great vaca that we have decided to plan another one for next summer... a week in the Colorado Mtns! Here are a few random photo's from the week! Enjoy!
Oh my goodness! We are glad everything is much better!
We are so glad that you and Michael are okay...that is scary! We are also glad you had a great vacay with the whole Rasdall family!
I love that he is such a happy guy all the time!
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