Today Michael is 2 months old! Hard to believe! Not only did he turn 2 months old today but he also had his 2 month check up... and yes... this included his shots :/
Mike and I weren't surprised at his reaction when he was given his 4 vaccinations (3 shots and 1 by mouth) He did cry but calmed down after 10-15 minutes. Actually, when daddy put Michael back in his car seat, he was just fine! What shocked us was how BIG he has gotten! Drum roll please... at 2 months Michael weighs 13 lbs and 11 oz! and he is 24 inches long! (90th percentile for each). The nurse joked around with Mike that it doesn't look like he will get his little baseball player but rather a son who is a linebacker!! This is okay... we like football too! If I had a say in it, he would play college football for the Florida Gators. We know Uncle Bobby and Uncle Chris would give us a hard time with that one! :)
Michael comtinues to be such a happy boy! He loves his play mat... his newest obsession. He will be occupied with it for 1-2 hours!
I'll have to make sure he has one at daycare which he starts on Monday as I return to work. I'm excited to go back and have some adult interaction but I'm still struggling with the idea that someone else will be with our little guy for 8 hrs/day, 5 days/week. Good thing my job is flexible as I'm sure I will be picking the little guy up early when I do not have late home visits with my clients. Also, daddy is done with volleyball season this week so he will be done with his work day at 4, which means more time with Baby M!
I was able to talk to my little brother today. First time in a long time and he seems excited to meet Michael. Since he is in college, his schedule has been busy and he was not able to come to Ocala to meet him since he was born. This just means Mike and I can take a mini-weekend vaca to Sarasota, introduce Ryan to Baby M and get pictures of the little guy on the beach! Hopefully we will get down this weekend, if not next. I also took Baby M out shopping this weekend so daddy could get a nap and we purchased some winter clothes for him as we will be in Boone, NC this Christmas with my parents and brother. Michael has been chatting it up though with Mike's family in Colorado via Skype and he seems like he can recognize their voices! It is great that Michael has such a large family who is so loving. Kinda stinks that they are all so far away :( Just makes our trips to visit more special.
Hope everyone is doing well and we love you all!
1 comment:
I love the updates....I can't believe he is getting so big! He looks great and very cute...the ladies at his daycare will love him! We always look forward to seeing pictures of him...give him big hugs and kisses for us!
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