I was going to wait and blog tomorrow as Michael will be 8 weeks old! But I couldn't resist after last night festivities.
I fed Michael around 11 pm and then made my way to bed. I knew I could be up between 1:00/2:00 am as he only drank a little more than 3 oz. So 1:30 am rolls around and Michael is up! He is smiling and cooing like crazy, waiting for someone to come feed him. I make his bottle, 6 oz, and I think I'm crazy to make so much because he never eats that much in the middle of the night. Well... 45 minutes later, 6 oz is gone and he wants more. I give him another 1.5 oz and he is as content as can be. So I had changed his diaper before I fed him so I could put him right to bed after eating. Well the little man decided he had to go poop! I left him in his crib for 10 minutes or so he could do his thing then cleaned and changed him. As I'm putting on his new diaper, he decided to keep going on. Cleaned and new diaper. Again, he is nothing but smiles at this point!!! So I tried rocking him to sleep and I smell something... a not so pleasent smell. He pooped AGAIN! He gets changed and then as the new diaper is going on... He pees everywhere!! On his poor little face, his nighty... everywhere. UGh. It had been a month since he had done that to me. Needless to say... we clean him up and get new clothes. I put him in the crib, turn on his mobile and head to bed. Once in bed, I wake Mike up and tell him my evening events as I'm so wound up, laughing because I'm so tired and laughing because Michael never stopped grinning through the last 2 hours! Baby Michael then procedes to talk (aka cooing)to himself for awhile (sounds so funny through the monitor), followed by hicups! So I'm exhausted. 2.5 hrs less sleep than usual. But I couldn't wait to tell my story :)
He has definitly hit another growth spirt. He averages 5 oz a meal now... sometimes 7-8 oz!! He also is now eating in 4 hour spirts :) This makes us happy. Can't wait until it turns into 6-7 hrs! He coos ALL the time!! We are working on him rolling over and he is SO close but he just can seem to get that big head of his to roll with his body!
He continues to enjoy his "baby spa" and Charlotte was able to get some great photos of Michael's bathtime experience while she was here!
While Charlotte was in town to visit, we also traveled to our nearest Pumpkin Patch! The experience was... interesting! He was not a big fan of the patch and I don't blame him. It was HOT and there was little shade and he was woken up by mean mommmy when he got to our destination point as I wanted him awake for pictures. I learned my lesson! We will try the Patch again this weekend.
Mike and I are taken aback but how quickly he has grown. His newborn clothes no longer fit and he is outgrowing his 0-3 month. He is too long! His new box of diapers are no longer stage 1... but stage 1-2! It is wonderful to see him grow so much but saddening at the same time. He is our little wiggle worm... squirming all the time! I have a feeling he is going to be a very active child:) Ok that is enough for today! Enjoy the photos! Love to all!
1 comment:
I was laughing as I was reading your story....it was great! I can't believe how big he is getting and I can't believe he is 2 months old...wow! Love the pictures at the pumpkin patch...you have take them even if he is screaming...after all it is a memory! Great post...give that sweet boy a hug and kiss for us!
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