Sunday, August 31, 2008


While Kim and Baby M take a well-deserved nap, I thought that I would briefly update our friends and family.

Michael Dean Rasdall III was born on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 9:26 am. He weighed in at 8lbs 2oz and was 21 inches long.(Thank God he appears to have inherited Mommy's height!)

We went in on Tuesday to be induced and spent about 12 hours at the hospital before being sent back home. The medication pretty much did nothing for Kim. Mild(easy for me to say) contractions and no progress dilating. We scheduled a c-section for the next morning. Kim and I were excited and a little(okay, maybe a lot) nervous, but ready!

Everything went smoothly and as perfect as possible! As Dr. Marquette got his first look at Baby M, he said, "oh, no, he looks just like his dad!" (Poor kid!)

Everyone at Munroe Regional were incredible! The level of care by the nursing staff was amazing(especially taking into account the fact that there were 32 babies in the nursery!!!) Wednesday night there were 10 women in labor and there are only 8 beds.. We were treated like royalty. All of the staff constantly commented on how laid-back and content the little one was. He was very alert and just seemed to be taking everything in...

It is truly indescribable, the feeling of becoming a family! It has been a rush of emotions. We got home yesterday afternoon and just breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, it has taken Michael a little bit to adjust to his new surroundings. Last night was a long one! It was so much easier in the hospital... Despite the frustration and exhaustion we laughed often, knowing that everyone with a child has gone through it, as well.

Today has been great! Michael has really been alert and looking and taking everything in. He seems so much more comfortable and Kim and I are ecstatic, taking it all in, too.

Love to you all! We truly, truly appreciate all of the calls, texts, and emails of congrats and well-wishes!!!

Kim,Mike, and Baby M

Thursday, August 21, 2008

and waiting...

So, thanks to Fay, we were bumped last Tuesday night from the hospital. All "elective and non-medically necessary" procedures were cancelled Tuesday, Wednesday, and today. We went in yesterday to meet with our doctor. The soonest that the hospital can get us in now is next Tuesday, the 26th... The good news is that we will be inducing on Tuesday rather than the original plan.
Unless the little one decides to come out on his own this weekend, he will be here on Tuesday. I guess that he is definitely a Virgo and just knew that it wasn't time!
The cool thing is that schools have been closed since Tuesday, so Kim and I have been able to hang out together.
Thank you for all of the well-wishes and support!

Love, Kim and Mike

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Still waiting......

Well, the due date has come and gone...We are still anxiously awaiting lil Michael's arrival! The plan is to hopefully have him this weekend. (Like it's up to us) If he's not here by Tuesday, we will be going in that evening to begin Cervidil treatment. This is not "inducement" but it will hopefully prepare Kim a little more for delivery. The treatment sometimes results in the birth, however it may not. After 12 hours of treatment, if he's not here, we will re-evaluate and decide what to do. This may be returning home, inducing...who knows.
Thanks for all of the love and support! It truly means more than you realize.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thought it appropriate to begin our blog posts on our one-year wedding anniversary. So much has happened during this past year! We have moved (twice), the first to a larger apartment over looking the lake (how ironic it would turn out to be as we soon found out about the baby where we would actually NEED a larger one), the second into our awesome new townhome. It seemed not so long ago, we were in Estes Park joining our single lives into one! It was such a beautiful mountain-top aspen grove and a beautiful day as the clouds lifted just as we arrived up top. Upon our return home, I started a new job, leaving the troubled campers behind to teach and coach the "normal" kids at West Port High...yeah right!!! Kim continued her tremendous work at Lifestream Behavioral Centers as a children's case manager (recently earning a promotion!) We stole time away from home on numerous occasions, visiting some favorite vacation spots and a couple of new ones, too; Cedar Key being one of our favorite new spots. We also had an incredible visit from Matt and Mandi this summer...What a whirlwind tour of Florida! Everyone needed a vacation after that vacation.
I chose the first photo on our blog, the Mike and Kim martinis that were served to us in Sarasota... It seemed appropriate as our lives so very quickly turned from "all about us" to "all about the little dude who will soon be joining us and who soon will be the wonderful center of our lives." As we are now one week from the due date, we couldn't be more excited, more ready, more nervous...
Kim or I will try our best to keep this up-to-date for all of our family and friends, especially once Michael is here! We love you all and miss you all!!!