Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Baby Cold :(

We knew it was going to come sooner or later... Along with his second week of daycare comes the first of his colds :(

Fortunately, he has only had a low-grade fever, but is congested and feeling icky. His terrific personality hasn't changed, but he has not been eating very much the past couple of days(which, as you can see, doesn't happen!) We took him in to see the doc yesterday, she wasn't overly concerned, at this point. Hopefully, it stays out of his chest and his fever doesn't spike. By the way, he weighed 15lbs 6oz(with shorts and a tee on.)

As I said, his easy-going, fun-loving style hasn't changed... He still loves to dance!!! He has always gotten excited when music is on(even in Mommy's tummy). He loves it. Michael can be laying or sitting totally still, just some music and he starts bouncing around!

Love to you all!!!

Mike, Kim, and Michael

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1st Week in Daycare & More

Well, it was truly a bittersweet week! First, Kim was excited to return to the land of adult interaction and money-making...but, not without a sacrifice. Michael started daycare last Monday :(

We dropped in on Friday afternoon to drop off all of his items ahead of time, as well as to check things out one more time. Everyone that we've met has been terrific! Our daycare, Pebbles, is part of The Rock Community Church (get it?!?...Pebbles, The Rock). It is about 2 miles from the house, which is super convenient, as well as 5 miles or so from West Port High School, where I teach.

Mommy and I had some definite anxiety over leaving our most precious boy with strangers! We knew that Michael would love the interaction and being around the others babies, but that only made us feel a little better.

Monday, as hard as we tried to prolong it, came way too quickly. We decided to go it together, which turned out to be much needed. We both shed some tears, but the teachers were great! We only called to check in 3 times throughout the day and they were very reassuring. Kim and I also decided to pick him up together. He had bouncy chair time, swing time, and tummy time his first day. He must have been tuckered out because he was snoozing when we arrived.

Each day got a little better, but was still tough. At night, however, we have already seen such a huge difference! He talks non-stop!!! It is so great to see him mouthing different sounds now. He even adds some interesting facial expressions while doing them. Michael loves telling us all about his day when we get home!

This past weekend, we also attempted our first road trip. We decided to visit Adam and Amanda down in Vero Beach. Vero is the perfect distance, at 2 1/2 hours away. We picked him up Friday, fed him then headed out. Only one stop to change a diaper (which was actually a Mommy Starbucks stop...) He did terrific all weekend, took all of the change in stride (as he always does).

Sunday marked Michael's first trip to the beach. It was a perfect day, but a little breezy for the lil dude. We attempted some pictures, but he wasn't up for it. Michael wasn't too happy with a crack full of sand :) All in all, though, a great day. Sunday was also his first trip to a bar n grill(a monumental day in a male's life!)

As always, we miss you all and hope life is as wonderful for everyone as it is for us! We are so incredibly blessed to have all of you in our lives and so fortunate to have Baby M!

Mike, Kim, and Michael