Monday, June 29, 2009


We received our reality check on Friday…In the mail, hidden amongst all the bills, was Michael’s Toys-R-Us Birthday Club 1 year birthday party checklist. Holy cow, ALREADY??? Are you kidding me?!?!?! The countdown is on and, of course, Mama got right on it :) We perused through the birthday catalogue, which we also received that day, didn’t really like any of the themes in it and headed to the Party Store to get invitations (number one on the birthday club checklist). “Invitations” yeah right! We wound up pretty much planning the party and getting most everything needed…One of those things that we are super excited about, but also sad that our Lil Dude is growing up!

So, 10 MONTHS OLD! Wow, what an amazing month it has been. First and foremost, the MOST important of all milestones was “Mama!!!” It melts the heart and still brings a tear to the eye. What really makes it extra special is the fact that Michael has the association of what it (and Dada) means now.

Also, this month, we’ve adjusted his eating pattern to only 4 bottles a day and 3 sit-down meals. This was not a tough adjustment, really. Of course, now as meal or bottle time nears, Michael will crawl over and let out a demanding screech…He knows when it’s time to eat as if you couldn’t tell from the pictures :)

This month has been so eventful. The Lil Dude started crawling around, now being EVERYWHERE! We can’t move two feet without Michael wanting to see what we’re up to and following. Not only becoming mobile this month, but he also started pulling himself up just a few days ago. He started feeding himself puffs. We also absolutely love when he looks at us for social cues. He’ll see something or someone do something that he thinks is pretty funny, but will look at us sometimes just to make sure that it really IS funny…Then start laughing his little “smoker’s laugh.”

Some of Michael’s very favorite things:
  • People! He loves people…Loves flirting with waitresses at restaurants and generally watching people.

  • Dancing! On command, even. A truly diverse taste in music, if it feels right, he will sway to the beat…80’s, hip-hop, pop, and recently female country singers…

  • Fruit! Any fruit to eat…Apples, pears, mango, peaches, medley…At least we know that he won’t ever get scurvy!

  • Puffs! Sweet potato, banana, peach-mango, corn-cheddar…

  • Books! Loves the pictures and intently (sometimes) hangs on every word.

  • Wheel of Fortune! Enthralled by this show...Loves the spin, hears the little sound when a new puzzle comes up and, no matter where he is or what he's doing, he snaps up and has to take a look!

  • Himself! In the mirror, on video or pictures, or the reflection off of any glass…He gets an absolute kick out of seeing himself.

I am so fortunate to be able to be at home with our precious Lil Dude this summer! Everyday is something new and exciting and I get to be a part of it. Even though Michael won’t remember this summer, Dada will cherish the memories forever! Next week, the three of us are heading to Crescent Beach in St. Augustine to meet up with the rest of the Rasdall clan as they take the show on the road and head to Florida. Many more memories to come as Michael quickly approaches the 1 year mark! Love and kisses to you all, we miss you!

Our New Morning Greeting

The Lil Dude has been mobile for quite a while now. He hadn't shown much interest in pulling up, though... Pretty pleased just to be able to follow us around EVERYWHERE that we go.

We were Skyping with Mamaw and Papaw a few evenings ago. Sometimes I will just turn the camera on Michael as he roams around the living room (we all know that the video calls are ALL about the boy)...I had the laptop on the couch looking down on him, when he crawled over, grabbed the couch and pulled himself up to his knees!!! I guess it's all about the right motivation, he loves going after the computer so he can bang on the keys (maybe destined to be a piano player like Mama...)

So, he has been practicing pulling up onto everything. Normally, when we go into get him up in the morning, he is on his tummy intently looking at the door from the corner of his crib. I usually stand him up in the corner so that he can reach and say good morning to Geoffrey, his giraffe... but the last two mornings, he has already been up on his knees waiting on me!

I know we say this every blog update, but our Lil Dude is truly growing up WAY too fast! On a daily basis, there is something new and exciting...Truly amazing to watch :)

We love being able to share, via the blog, these precious moments with all of you and wish we could share them in person...We miss and love you all very much!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Trick

So, speaking again of random moments...

We pick up the Lil Dude last Wednesday, do a little running around and get home to sit down and feed him. We have been working and working, trying to get him to feed himself puffs, to no avail. He had been getting better as he could pick them up and we would just lightly guide his arm up and he would get it in his mouth.

We sit down and put some puffs on his tray, Kim gets ready to help him out and, not even waiting, he just starts going to town! We had to stop putting multiple puffs in front of him as he was stuffing as many as quickly into his mouth as possible!

Our Lil Dude is growing up! It is certainly bittersweet, though. It is awesome to see him learning and doing new things, on a daily basis. However, it reminds us that he will not be our little baby forever. If only time could slow down just a little bit.


So, after a few months of nothing but "dadadadadada..." we (and by "we" I REALLY mean Kim, especially...) have been anticipating the other side of the coin. Of course. it never quite happens as you would plan it and it always seems to come at the most random of times. This makes it ALL the better, though.

We are sitting on the couch, Michael is in his bouncy just hopping away when, out of absolutely no where..."mmmmmm. mmmmmm. mmmmaaaaaa mmmmmaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!" How great is that?!?!?! He only says it once and moves on like it was nothing. Matter of fact, the next couple of days, he only says it once per day, again at random, non-prompted, non-coerced times (and Mama's not even here for either one...)

We were able to get a short video, though three nights later. I literally spent most of the days with camera in hand, just waiting to hear "mmmmm" and on the camera would go. This one was right after Mama gave his his bottle, gotta love the burp right in the middle of this :)

Of course, since this video a week or so ago, we have definitley seen the Mama and Dada association, too. We love it when he crawls up behind us, grabs our ankle and looks up saying "Mama" or "Dada." It is soooo amazing and still brings a tear to the eye. We love this Lil Dude so much!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Little swimmers!

Last Thursday, Amy (Brooklyn's mom) gave me a call and asked if we would like to bring Michael to their pool for a swim. Of course we say yes! We change the little guy into his swimwear, pack his bag, and off we went. It was perfect because we got there a little after 6 in the evening so it wasn't super hot. Well, to no surprise, he LOVED it!!

Daddy had a blast teaching our little guy how to swim. He did really well too, kicking his feet and he didn't even cry when he took a head dive into the water.

Brooklyn is a little water baby herself and just loved playing with Michael in the pool. If you look at Michael's face in the background, you can see his "stank" face. :) He was a little jealous but he loves to hang out with Brooklyn's older sister Lauren too! She is always asking when she gets to babysit our little man :) We can't wait for our next swim trip!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

True love

Michael and Brooklyn met back in November of 2008! He was 9 weeks old and she was 8 months old. It was true love at first sight as Brooklyn made her way to Michael's crib with a stuffed lamb. She gave him the toy to comfort him as he was crying. Over the months, they became even closer! Now that Brooklyn is in the 1's room, she still comes back to visit Michael in the infant room as Amy (Brooklyn's mom) works in both rooms. They will hold hands, give each other kisses and when they see each other, their faces just light up! They have been on several play dates outside of daycare, from shopping at Old Navy to lunch to Barnes and Noble. Oh and Starbucks! Here are some pictures from their play date this weekend at B&N.

Michael wanted his stroller back :)

Brooklyn pushed Michael all over B&N

Leaning in for a KISS!

Brooklyn gave Michael a big smooch!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It is about time :)

Michael is crawling!! Well, not like on his hands/knees crawling per say but he is army crawling!! Mike and I went to pick the little guy up from Daycare yesterday and while Mike was signing him out, I met with Michael's teacher Stephanie. She tried to be as subtle as possible as she did not want to give it away, but ended up telling us that Michael was crawling everywhere! She said it even surprised her because he is known for rolling to where he wants to be :) She then pulled out his favorite toys to entice the little guy to demonstrate his new skills! Well let me tell you, my eyes started watering :) I was able to hold the tears back because I didn't want to look like an idiot but it was amazing to finally see Michael lifting his chunky body and move!
When we got home, we had him crawling everywhere, all evening! We even called Mamaw and Papaw as well as Uncle Matt, Aunt Mandi and cousins Kaitlynn and Owen on Skype so they could see! We even got a little video and of course, I'm going to post it for all to see! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The newest addiction!

Someone loves puffs! Michael is all about his sweet potato puffs and apple/banana puffs! Here are some updated photos of the lil guy eating away! Video included! Don't forget to turn the music off at the bottom :)