Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Part 2

Michael's morning Halloween went really well! Once we got home after some early trick-or-treating, Michael took his nap and then had lunch after he woke up. Daddy wasn't feeling too hot so Michael and I went to Walmart to pick up a few things. We got home, unpacked and then Michael and I went upstairs to clean and do some laundry. I was making his bed when Michael came running in but I guess tripped and SLAMMED his head into door post! Poor little guy cried for 15-20 minutes! We tried to get a few pictures of the big goose egg on his head...

So kind of a rough afternoon but we gave the lil guy some Tylenol and some juice and he seemed to perk up :) Our friends, the Lazdowski's, contacted us and said they were hanging outside their house for awhile to hand out some candy and invited us over. We spent Halloween with them last year but Michael and Ellie slept through most of it. This year, they were all over the place, enjoying each others company and watching all the crazy kids running around in some crazy costumes!
Heading to the Lazdowski's...
Michael exploring the yard and driveway :)
Ellie decided to go through Michael's broken pumpkin :)
How cute is this precious lil ballerina!! You can kinda see in the picture that she is grabbing Mike's keys. Ellie had a ball with these. She pushed the buttons over and over again, setting the car lights off :) Too cute!
Michael figured out how to carry his broken pumpkin!
The Lazdowski's live in Saddle Creek, a part of Fore Ranch. Mike has some co-workers that reside down the street so we walked down and hit up a few homes before meeting up with some West Port peeps. We found a house that had a bowl of candy with a hand that grabs you when you take the candy. Michael actually did well and didn't seem to be scared but Michael loves his food! He will do what it takes to get anything that he can put in his mouth!
We headed back to hang out with Ellie a lil more. The 2 kiddos have known each other since they were born. They are only 5 weeks apart. They met when Michael was 3 weeks, Ellie 8 weeks :)

Both these kiddos are routine and were ready for the bath, bottle and bed at the same time!! We packed lil man up around 7:30 and headed home. Michael got to talk with Mamaw and Papaw on Skype for a few before bed which always makes him happy! He also had to dump out his pumpkin to see how he made out from his night of trick-or-treating :)

We couldn't have asked for a better Halloween and we were so fortunate to spend it with some great friends! You know Michael had a ball, being able to spend time with 2 lil ladies AND get candy :) Def a success and we are looking forward to more holiday's to come!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

poor little guy...that goose egg on his noggin looks like it hurt!