Saturday, January 10, 2009

4 month stats :)

Michael turned 4 months on December 27th! He is HUGE! Here are his 4 month stats:

17 lbs 10 oz... 95th % for weight
25 inches long... 50th % for height
17 inches for his head... 75th %

-Michael rolled over from his stomach to his back once, but doesn't seem too interested in doing it again. His look post rollover was scared and then the tears followed:) He seems more interested in trying to army crawl.

-He did begin scootching on his back also... with purpose! If he sees something he wants, he tries to go for it but ends up going in circles for now :)

-Michael LOVES his kisses from us. He is starting to kiss back... nice and open mouth... and sometimes with tongue! He talks ALL the time! The only time he is quiet it when he is sleeping. At his 4 month check up, he talked Dr. Harrell's ear off and then gave a stern talking to the nurse after his shots.

-He continues to be the happiest baby EVER. He smiles and giggles constantly.

-He has discovered his hands and feet. He loves to hold things... and then shove them in his mouth :)

-LOVES patty-cake!

-Rarely wakes up screaming for his bottle anymore. Always has a smile on his face when we go into get him, and then the talking begins!

-So far, he loves everybody, especially Auntie Amanda when she comes to stay! Doesn't mind being passed around though.

Favorite toys/things to do include:

-Playmat of course!

-The swing.

-His learning puppy and blue blanket puppy.

-VHI videos and Ducktales DVDs

-His best bud Bluey (the elephant on his mat)

-His GATOR football!

-Staring at Mamaw and Papaw on Skype

-Playing with his girlfriend Brooklyn at daycare

-Last but not least... snuggling with Mommy and Daddy!

Lots of love from Michael and us:)


Anonymous said...

So BIG!!! He looks more like mommy to me...Chris said he's got daddy's serious face :)...great combo of both!!! Good work!

B.E.A.L. said...

okay so he is as big now as Landry was at her 9 month appt. Ha!

I can't believe he has already hit the 4 month mark...and we haven't been able to love on for real yet! Pooh! Love the updates and pictures!

Squeeze him for us!