Saturday, January 31, 2009

5 Months old!

Michael turned 5 months on Tuesday, the 27th! He keeps growing.. and growing... and growing! He was 18 lbs 13 oz, wearing 9-12 month clothing!!

-Michael LOVES his toes... he is all about his toe-touches! They don't quite make it to his mouth yet though :)

-He is all about his Gerber Applesause! Bananas to come this weekend!

-He is sleeping through the night! Well, 75% of the time... no complaints here!

-He girrgles! He also loves his ""rasberries and "motorboat" sounds. :)

-He likes, not loves yet, his Baby Einstein jumperoo! It grows on him more each day. We can tell though it is already helping with his leg strength!

-He absolutely LOVES his friends at daycare! Apparently he causes cat fights amongst the ladies! His g/f Brooklyn does not approve of Michael conversing with other girls. No joke!! But Mommy is still his #1 woman.

-He is all about shaking his booty, whether we tell him or he just hears a song he likes!! He will plant his feet on the floor and lift his butt and shake, shake, shake!

-Nemo! He hearts Nemo. Enough said :)

-He is rolling over more! From his tummy to his back :)

-Michael prefers to sit up over laying down! He is able to sit with minimal help.

-Michael is just fascinated with his surroundings. He enjoys new places, new things and meeting new people.

Mommy and Daddy's top 5 things about Michael!

1. After his morning bottle, the smile that you give us! So content and thankful! (Only bottle that we get this specific look)
2. His adult manarisms. This includes him putting his hands behind his head while relaxing as well as crossing his feet.
3. The constant rotating of his feet... he twrills them all the time.
4. He is just so easily amused! Love watching him watch himself on video. He won't stop giggling/smiling!
5. We love to watch lil man sleep! He is our little angel!


The Leonard Four said...

michael just keeps getting more and more adorable! what a precious little boy! i LOVE that first pic!!!

B.E.A.L. said...

I can't believe he is 5 months old...he turning into quite the little stud! Love this post and love that little guy! give sweet michael big hugs and kisses for us!

Anonymous said...

Love the pict of him laying on the boppy! So precious!